Launch My career
Fully resourced comprehensive careers education programme

Transform Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance in your school

Careers guidance and education like no other. All in one place.

What if we told you that you could have a full careers curriculum, built by a teacher, for teachers, but incorporating over 100 different industry voices? What if we told you that it was fully-mapped against GatsbyCDI, and Skills Builder?

The Careers Curriculum covers all aspects of effective careers education for Years 7 through 11, with an emphasis on the development of transferable soft skills for the workplace. Each step has been developed to provide students with the information and guidance they will need at key transition points – including details on their post-16 options.

The Careers Curriculum features a unique series of sector workshops focusing on industry sectors currently facing a skills gap in the UK.

Built with LMI on how different sectors are set to grow over the coming decade, the workshops inform students of the various progression routes into each industry and provide an opportunity for students to try a practical activity linked directly to each sector.

Every lesson has been created to be delivered by ANY teacher in ANY classroom without the need for extensive preparation or any specialist equipment or resources. 

Helping People Achieve

Created with Flexibility

Our Careers Curriculum has been created with flexibility and delivery consistency at the forefront of it’s design. Teachers will be provided with access to fully-resourced, video led workshops to ensure consistent delivery of your in-school Careers programme. Fully mapped against Gatsby, Skills Builder and OFSTED, our Careers Curriculum will revolutionise your school’s careers strategy.

Tailor-made, 5-step careers programme designed to support a student’s careers journey from year 7 to year 11.

 Each step developed to provide students with information and guidance they need at key transition points – including post-16 options.

Full curriculum of 30+ video-led lessons can be delivered any time, including form time, timetabled careers lessons, or combined to create a Careers themed drop-down day for every year group in your school.

Fully planned lessons in a comprehensive delivery guide, fully resourced with engaging, downloadable PDF resources, and video-led sessions which ensure students have access to the same information, regardless of who is delivering the lesson.

Video poster

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