Launch My career
Fully resourced comprehensive careers education programme

Our Curricula

Created with flexibility

Did you know that we now offer full curriculums designed to enhance your students’ knowledge of entrepreneurship and the world of work?

What if we told you that you could have a full comprehensive careers education programme for your whole school, built by a teacher, for teachers. What if we told you that it was fully mapped against Gatsby, CFI and Skills Builder?

Each module comprises of six one-hour lessons, which can be delivered over the course of a day to create a drop-down session or weekly as part of a timetabled curriculum.

Our Careers Curriculum and Enterprise Curriculum are the first of their kind – on-line, immersive programmes with remote access to all lessons and resources, ensuring consistency throughout your whole school Careers programme.

Fully mapped against Gatsby, Skills Builder and OFSTED, our curriculum will revolutionise your school’s careers strategy.

Enterprise Curriculum

The Enterprise Curriculum is a unique programme showcasing entrepreneurialism as not only a desirable skill for the world of work, but also as a future career path.

Each module combines aspects of the PSHE curriculum with key themes from the Entrepreneurship Masters programme, whilst developing transferable skills for the workplace.

Your students will complete realistic, business-led challenges in which a solution to a real-life problem must be found, allowing them to develop their personal and professional skills. The modules are built around a challenge posed by National employers, such as Wickes, General Electric and NatWest who provide context and guidance for students.

Careers Curriculum

Our Careers Curriculum has been created with flexibility and delivery consistency at the forefront of its design. With a module dedicated to each year group, your students will complete tasks and activities relevant to their knowledge and experience.

From exploring how school subjects prepare students for the world of work, to identifying pathways into employment and learning from their local labour market, your students will be fully equipped to make informed decisions about their future world of work.

Teachers are provided with access to fully-resourced, video led workshops to ensure consistent delivery of your whole in-school careers programme.

Are you ready to inspire and prepare your students for their future world of work?

✓ Tailor-made, 5-step careers programmes designed to support a student’s careers journey from Year 7 to Year 11.
✓ Each step developed to provide students with information and guidance they need at key transition points – including post-16 options.
✓ Full curriculum of 30+ video-led lessons can be delivered any time, including form time, timetabled careers lessons, or combined to create a Careers themed drop-down day for every year group in your school.
✓ Fully planned lessons in a comprehensive delivery guide, fully resourced with engaging, downloadable PDF resources, and video-led sessions which ensure students have access to the same information, regardless of who is delivering the lesson.

Get in touch

Be part of the future of education. Our team are ready to answer your questions or give you a tour of the platform. Like what you see? Get in touch.

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